We are living in an instant world. Everyone needs everything instantly.
Right from a coffee to building up relationships, instant things are needed.
Instant things are good, but are they really good for everything?
Instant things cover up and dominate the real good things. People move with the tide and tend to compromise with themselves by telling that the whole world is doing the same and why should I be different.
One particular thing which is done by many becomes an unwritten law or a manual that everyone knowingly or unknowingly follow it.
The “I am BUSY” statement is most common among us. Is being BUSY the reason for us to go in for instant things?
What we are up to and where we are we heading?
In this Morden world, building a relationship and breaking it is becoming a fashion.
LOVE and MORALITY are slowly losing its originality and its Spirit. We want to get things easily and instantly, which is through a short-cut means.
Deep within everyone there is a longing, a longing to be understood by someone who really cares.
But, are we ready to understand ? There is a famous quote "Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood." - Oscar Wilde. No matter if its a man or a woman, is it possible to LOVE without understanding ?
Without understanding you cannot LOVE and without LOVE you cannot understand.
Understanding needs Kindness, Patience and Acceptance. LOVE is the only source of Kindness, Patience and Acceptance.
Everything (Kindness, Patience, Acceptance) are clustered (or messed) and bounded so that no external force can break the bond of Understanding that comes out of True LOVE.
True Love is always over dominated or suppressed by fake Love or a LOVE without the above characters. Today many are attracted and enslaved by Fake LOVE (‘coz it’s a busy world).
Always remember if a person who is in LOVE with you will be at HIS/HER kindness if not watch out for.
All glitters is not GOLD. Good things are always duplicated and duplicate cannot be as good as original.
No one can give what they don’t have, so is true Love.
There is no point in trying to deceive True LOVE. It depends upon honesty for its survival.